Jenna bows out of Scream 7

Announcement follows firing of friend Melissa Barrera

Jenna will not be involved in the shooting of Scream 7. As reported in Deadline, the official reason for Jenna’s departure from the franchise is that Scream 7 conflicts with the shooting schedule for Wednesday Season 2. However, the timing of the announcement is rather awkward given that it comes less than twenty-four hours after the firing of her friend, Scream co-star and on-screen sister Melissa Barrera by Spyglass Media. Spyglass took action over that actress’ social media repostings on the Hamas-Israel conflict.

As outlined in Variety, Barrera had been posting on her Instagram, resharing a post that accuses Israel of “genocide and ethnic cleansing” and one from Jewish Currents magazine about distorting “the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry.”

The production company had quietly fired Barrera about a month ago, but only recently issued this statement:

“Spyglass’ stance is unequivocally clear: We have zero tolerance for antisemitism or the incitement of hate in any form, including false references to genocide, ethnic cleansing, Holocaust distortion or anything that flagrantly crosses the line into hate speech.”

Many fans are jumping in to confirm that Jenna left Spyglass as a protest over her friend’s unfortunate situation, however so far there has been no official word from Jenna or her agency.

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